Lycan’s Bane to the Printer!

Posted in Announcements, Gen Con 2011, Realms of Twilight World, RPG with tags , , , , , on May 12, 2011 by realmsoftwilight

On May 2nd the first adventure set in the Realms of Twilight setting was released in its digital format on and  As exciting as this was the project still wasn’t finished.  Yesterday I approved the printed proofs of Lycan’s Bane for our first print run.  I know many of you are fans of the artwork done by Jocelyn Sarvida, but you have not yet been able to see her work in its full glory due to the cost of printing the Campaign Setting in color.  Well, with Lycan’s Bane you will get your first real look at the quality of her work.  This adventure (a 42 page 8.5″ x11″ soft cover book) is being printed in full color.  The cover and interior artwork were done, as usual, by Jocelyn Sarvida and the cartography was done by Michael Arrington.  Both of which did a fantastic job.

If the printer can keep to the deadline I’ve given them (and I have confidence they will) I will have the printed copies available by the 1st of June.  They will likely only be available at the Realms of Twilight Marketplace, so keep an eye out for it.

I hope you all enjoy the adventure and the artwork within.

Until next week, good gaming to all.

The Trial of Norm

Posted in Gen Con 2011, Norm the Gnome, Realms of Twilight World, RPG on May 3, 2011 by realmsoftwilight

I received word of Norm’s trial last night from his wife.  The charges that have been officially filed are public ludeness, slandering the honor of a Lady, and the destruction of the Goosed Gosling, the well-known tavern in which he was performing at the time.

From what his wife Berinda has told me, he has been imprisoned in one of Aviryn’s most infamous places, Yirunel’s Hold.  It is a place formed of elven magic, and enchanted to prevent all manner of sorcery, divine influence and powers of the mind from functioning.  Apparently some of the guards and higher-ups possess rings that allow their abilities to function, but they are rare, and closely guarded.

I’m sure you will all be happy to know that thus far he has been treated relatively well.  The guards are apparently treated him coldly, but no harm has befallen him.  Berinda is confident that the trial will conclude well before August, but the outcome of it is far from determined.  The noble woman he slandered, a powerful elven heiress, has more than a little influence at Court.  Let us hope these unfortunate events don’t result in continued imprisonment.

Soon I will be setting up a way that you can all send your letters of encouragement and questions to the imprisoned gnome.  I’m sure news, and in fact any interaction with the outside world, would be welcomed.

Keep our friend Norm in mind as your adventures take you on through the week. 

Until next time, good gaming to all.

The world of GenCon 2011

Posted in Gen Con 2011, Pathfinder, Realms of Twilight World, RPG on April 16, 2011 by realmsoftwilight

As you all know, Silver crescent Publishing is heading to GenCon 2011 in Indianapolis, Indiana this year.  We’ve got a booth already reserved in Entrprenuer’s Avenue, and our booth design plans are going well.  However, we have a chance for something more.

GenCon LLC is giving companies the opportunity to win a Marketing Fellowship with them.  This fellowship would provide a huge number of bonus goodies, not to mention double the booth space (which Norm may need if he manages to get through the trial before then).  The first two companies were announed at the end of last month and they were… not us.  Yet there are still 4 more to be chosen.  2 will be announced each month until all 6 have gotten the news.  We’re working on an ever increasing array of pre-show advertising possibilities including dozens of game sessions (both online and in person) a website re-vamp (which will hopefully be completed by the end of next week) and announcements on various websites, among other things.  If you have any further suggestions on how we can spread the word don’t hesitate to let us know either by posting a commnet here, or on our facebook page (see the links i the right column).

So, keep your fingers crossed that we win one of the Marketing Fellowships, and that out friend Norm the Gnome will not be languishing in some elven prison when August roles around.

Until next time, good gaming to you all!

News on Norm.

Posted in Norm the Gnome on April 4, 2011 by realmsoftwilight

As many of you may have noticed, the blog post for this week is running a little late.  The reason for this is that I hoped to fulfill my promise regarding word from Norm the Gnome.  However, it seems we will all have to suffice with word OF Norm the Gnome.

I received word earlier today that Norm has been imprisoned by the authorities in Aviryn, a major city in the elven nation of Aruna-Nigh.  Apparently the charges include burning down a well-thought of tavern named the Goosed Gosling and slandering the honor of a noble lady.  The quote I heard was “She is so generous that she gives freely of herself to those of lesser status… if you know waht I mean.”  While neither of these charges are likely to result in his execution or anything else so harsh, it may affect his freedom to be present at GenCon as he promised.  I assure you, I will keep you updated on his status whenever my contacts pass word to me.

In the meantime I will be holding auditions for other possible special guests for the convention.  I’ve already had Gurt the ogre and Felicity, a rather… intriguing specimen of elven womanhood if I do say so myself, audition for the part.  Gurt was a bit too… blunt (a bit too heavy with the club I think) while Felicity, despite her… talents, is not quite the right spokesperson for the part.  Hopefully more will come forward in the near future.

So, let us all hope that Norm receives a swift and light sentence so he can be free by August.  I know I’m keeping my fingers crossed, because frankly, if I have any more auditions like Gurt’s, I’m not sure I’ll make it to GenCon myself.

Until next week (or further word of Norm), good gaming to all.

Lycan’s Bane Expanded!

Posted in Pathfinder, Realms of Twilight World, RPG on March 23, 2011 by realmsoftwilight

Well, I missed last week, so I thought I might delve into the playtesting that is going on around the Lycan’s Bane adventure.  It was originally written as a demo adventure, to help introduce players to the uniqueness of the Realms of Twilight setting.  I have gotten a few things out of it and am making a few improvements from the feedback I’ve gotten thus far.

I am currently working on fleshing out the final stage of the adventure.  When written as a demo the rather abrupt (I must admit) ending works fine, but to be publishable, the ending needs to be a bit more climactic.  So the entire keep of Caer Gorinith will be laid out, with room descriptions, notable items (and treasure of course) and possible tactics used by the keep’s current residents.  I also intend to add in a few extra articles about things that the party encounters.  For instance, a Day in the Life of a Nightling was one suggestion I received.  I don’t know that I’ll go all the way into an Ecology article, but we’ll have to see.  I will also be adding in a section with some new crunch.  This section will include details on the Lycan’s Bane itself as well as a few new things that would be used the pending conflict between two nations.

By the end I believe this adventure book will run about 40 pages or so.  I currently intend to make it available as both a pdf and a print version.  And yes, I am aiming for FULL COLOR in the printing, though I am still getting quotes to see if it is actually doable.

Well, that’s all for now.  I believe our friend Norm the Gnome will be stopping by next week, so we can all look forward to what interesting things his antics may bring to the surface.  Until next week, good gaming to all.

Website re-launch in the works, and an official Meetup

Posted in Announcements, Realms of Twilight World, RPG on March 11, 2011 by realmsoftwilight

Well, the Realms of Twilight website has served Silver Crescent well for the past year.  But now, with Gencon coming up, new product releases, and of course, the introduction of Norm… it is time to change things up a bit.

The construction of a new website has officially begun.  Don’t worry, you’ll all still have access to the current version as we work on the new design.  So you’ll still have the priveledge (ahem….) of these blog updates each week. 

The new site will feature some new artwork by the fabulous Jocelyn Sarvida as well as a number of new functionalities that I feel are now necessary.  Additionally, Norm the Gnome will have his own column to speak his mind.  I’m still not certain about allowing that, given how his mind works, but perhaps he will surprise and enlighten us all.

Unfortuantely, the Realms of Twilight tavern will be closing down for the foreseeable future as a part of this swap over.  The patronage has dropped off and our innkeeper can’t afford to keep the place open.  Apparently people just don’t enjoy drunken conversation the way they used to… hmm….

On another topic, the local Meetup gaming group is getting together tomorrow night.  Good pizza, good company and a chance to spread the word about Silver Crescent’s work.  Sounds like a good time to me.  I’ll be there along with a good number of others hanging out and enjoying the company of fellow gamers.

That’s about it for tonight.  Enjoy your weekend and game well.

Announcing NORM THE GNOME!!!

Posted in Announcements, Gen Con 2011, Realms of Twilight World, RPG with tags , , , on March 6, 2011 by realmsoftwilight

Well, I’m sure some of you are curious about who our legendary bard is going to be at Gencon this year.  Perhaps a bit intrigued?  Well, it took me a while to find him and get him to book the trip, but we’ve got Norm the Gnome!  He has great credentials, including graduating from the College of Song in the northern city of Requiem, telling tales for the King Balingaugh of Valin and his court, and performing at Nightshade’s Comfort, a very well known high end venue in the capital city of the Illurian Empire.

Norm has graciously agreed to be present at Silver Crescent Publishing’s booth at Gencon for the entire weekend!  Well, portions of each day anyway.  He will have scheduled times that he will be performing, telling tales he has acquired throughout his travels and studies in the world of Relistan.  While I haven’t yet heard the tales he will be telling, rest assured he will at the very least entertain us all!

I look forward to seeing you all in a few months.  Stop in and say hi to Norm and enjoy a tale or two.

Until then, good gaming to you all.

Gencon 2011

Posted in Announcements, Gen Con 2011, Pathfinder, Realms of Twilight World, RPG, The Master of Shadows Trilogy with tags , , , , , , , on February 4, 2011 by realmsoftwilight

Silver Crescent Publishing will officially be attending Gencon in Indianapolis, Indiana this year.  I have already booked a booth in entreprenuer’s avenue.  I went as an attendee and it was a huge event.  I think the final tally was over 30,000 people that came through visting booths and experiencing gaming on a whole new level.  I learned a lot by looking at the booths last year.  I saw many thinks that seemed to work and some things that didn’t.  I could go on for quite a while on my experiences last year (and I’m sure I will at some point) but for now let me tkae a moment to mention a few things we are thinking about for our booth this year.  Feel free to comment with any suggestions or opinions you might have on these.

1) We will be having a bard, dressed in costume, that will be reciting stories and legends from the Realms of Twilight setting.

2) We will be having a drawing for a large (36″ x 48″) color printing of the world of Relistan on canvas.

3) For sale will be the campaign setting hardcover book, Lycan’s Bane (the first adventure in the Realms of Twilight World) and Into the Night, a novel set in the Illurian Empire as well as several prints bookmarks and buttons to display the work of our outstanding artists.

This is just the first post about Gen Con, with many more to come.  Can you tell that excitement is running rampant?  Anyway, until further news presents itself, good gaming and have a good weekend.

A Demonstration of Shadows and Light

Posted in Uncategorized on January 19, 2011 by realmsoftwilight

This Saturday (January 22nd) I will be once again running a demo game for the setting at Comic Quest on Margan Avenue in Evansville, IN.  I intend to run the same adventure I did last time due to the relatively small turn out.  I have already had several people show interest but I guess I’ll just have to see how it goes.

The adventure I will be running is Lycan’s Bane.  This adventure focuses on the tensions between the Illurian Empire an teh nation of Valin on the continent of Kesuril.  I have pre-generated 5 characters for the game including a summoner (from the Advanced Player’s Guide) and a scythe-wielding half-orc.  The first to arrive gets first pick of a character.  It is first come, first serve.

This isn’t only a way to advertise my campaign setting, it is also a way for me to play test this adventure.  I hope to get some feedback from everyone who plays so I can improve the adventure for publication later this year.  So all those interested in showing upto play, keep that thought in mind.

I hope to see as many of you as possible on Saturday.  The game will start around 5:30 pm and likely run until Comic Quest closes at 9 pm.

See you there!

And now for something completely different!!

Posted in Pathfinder, RPG with tags , , , on January 9, 2011 by realmsoftwilight

For a change of pace I thought I might do a product review.  After all, I may be a publisher myself, but I am still a gamer, and I can appreciate the works of other publishers.  This review is going to focus on Psionics Unleashed published by Dreamscarred Press.

First, the general overview.  Since Paizo has made it plain that they didn’t intend to convert the rules governing psionics (the powers of the mind) to the Pathfinder rules set for at least the next few years, Dreamscarred Press chose to make an attempt at it themselves.  This book includes many familiar things including core classes like the Psion and Psychic Warrior, feats, powers and many other things previously found in the Expanded Psionics Handbook published by Wizards of the Coast.  Of course to bring them up to par with the strengthened character classes of the core rulebook a fe extra abilities have been added.  Each discipline a psion can specialize in grants its own abilities, similar to specialty schools for a wizard.  The psychic warrior gets a number of bonus feats that rivals the fighter, but has psionic abilities instead of the direct combat-related abilities of the fighter core class.  These are just some examples.  They did similar things to the races and prestige classes found in the previously mentioned book.  Most to good effect.

Many of the feats are exactly the same, though a few have been tweaked a bit to increase their usefulness.  In my opinion they did a good job tweaking without making any of them overpowered.  I know from experience that this can be a hard balance to maintain.  They have added a few feats I didn’t recognize from previous editions, however I will leave those for you to find out on your own.

Regarding the powers: Other than retitling some of them and perhaps adding a few augment possibilities to the powers there wasn’t much change that I noticed.  Given I didn’t compare every ability to see if they had added anything new.  Though I don’t remember seeing Entangling Ectoplasm in the previous edition.  You won’t find anything called “Psionic (insert spell name here)” in this book.  Psionic Invisibility is now called Cloud Mind.  Ectoplasmic Sheen has replaced Psionic Grease.  The renaming is rather creative and definetly calls to mind the image of the ability they have renamed, but the general function is pretty much the same, with only slight variations.

Now to the monsters.  Like the rest of the book they did a pretty good job of converting the stat blocks and making the creatures on scale with the more powerful Pathfinder RPG monsters and characters.  Though now we have stats for a Crysmal (which was previously found in the Wizards of the Coast book) in the Psionics Unleashed book as well as a non-psionic version in Paizo’s Bestiary 2.  Though some people might find numerous stat blocks for the same creature annoying, I find that they can throw the players off a bit, since they don’t know exactly what to expect.

Overall I would give this book 4 out of 5 stars.  The primary reason they would not get the fifth star is because of the artwork.  I personally am not a fan of line art.  I completely understand the costs involved in finding quality artwork and that was likely the limiting factor.  And much of the artwork is good for what it is, I just personally would prefer a more refined art style.  I don’t want to downplay the general quality though.  There are some shaded images that are very good, done by some talented artists.  Others could use a bit of conceptual improvement.  But then again that could also be my bias against the style speaking out again.

Well, there ya go.  I tried somthing a bit different for a change.  I hope you enjoyed my ramblings and my opinions.  Enjoy your day and good gaming to all as always.